Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Women in His Grain Field

I am aware that I hadn't been here in a while now and I'm honestly having a hard time regaining myself back into writing but today is different. This afternoon is something that I can't really help but share. Right after I reached home from work I jumped into my phone and hit Bible. I was reading how Ruth found favor in Boaz's eyes by allowing her to stay in to his grain field because of a good deed she did to Naomi, her mother-in-law. She stayed and took care of Naomi despite of her being a widow. As I read through the chapter I was really thinking if there's something good I've done or need to do to find favor in God's eyes until I read Ruth 2:22-23.

Naomi said to Ruth her daughter-in-law, "It will be good for you, my daughter, to go with the women who work for him, because in someone else's field you might be harmed." (v.22)

I realized it is not something I have to do to obtain God's favor but this is actually what God has done in my life. I didn't know that He protected me since birth through the life of women He sent to be with me in all the walks of life. First, I would like to honor my Mother, the woman who have been with me through the comfort and hardships in life, and the first woman who makes me know of who Jesus is. To my sister who made me realized that there are no regrets in life and reminds me that God is the One who redeems. I also thank God for Lei's life that I met her way back in College that if not because of her I might not receive the gift of Salvation and experience the happiness of Christian life that I am enjoying now when she invited me to her church. (But I know God always has His ways.)

Wait! There's more! Can you imagine that God gives me favor like this in my workplace too? Yes. He did! I'm grateful to God for Ate Joan's life when I was in CCT who inspires me that waiting will always be worth it. To the woman who was my accountability partner during my stay in NCO, I missed that early morning cup of coffee and devotion with you Mommy Armi. To Ate Rachel who taught me to start with God first before anything else when I was in Shinigawa and to Ate Shauie who give herself a time to pray for me everytime I struggle about something while I'm here in Sitel. Thank you God for these wonderful Ate's in my life.

I don't usually say this but I'm really in Awe of God's perfect plans in my life for the lives of these ladies who had been with me through the years, to them who I always cry and laugh with, and them who I'd been dating for years, Eds, Mahj, Ella, and Elsie never failed to encourage me, to lift me up when I am down, reminding me of my identity with Christ, protecting each other, and a looooot lot more and to Jen with whom I learned a lot through her life experiences though I'm the one who's mentoring her.  I just can't fathom the love and favor He showed me despite of my failures and disobedience. Being surrounded by these women makes me feel secured and let me know that me as well is a child of His, that I belong and part of His grain field. And as a woman of God I would love to return the favor of being part of it, do works and show God's everlasting love to other women out there.

How about you? Do you have women in your life that you are so thankful about to God?

"So Ruth stayed close to the women of Boaz to glean until the barley and wheat harvests were finished..." Ruth 2:23


  1. Awww. so sweet of you! Thank you Jean, I love you with the love of the Lord

  2. Yes! I'm blessed to have met you all. 😘

  3. Yes! I'm blessed to have met you all. 😘
