So He said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit' says the LORD Almighty. Zechariah 4:6(NIV)
Sometimes we think God doesn't care and don't listen to our prayers. Sometimes we vent out and ask Him why this bad things happen or why things we want to happen are not happening. We start doubting God, feel that He's not doing anything. Being consumed with wanders of God's existence.
In my years of Christianity, there came to a point that I questioned Him. It was a time that it feels like everything is not going the way I want it. A point that I told Him that if He can't do this or that for me I will do it myself and will not go to Him anymore as if it's God who needs me.
For months, I tried to turn against God and start doing things my own way. I became rebellious and proud thinking that everything will be fine without Him, it was very long that I thought it was far better than being with Him until I found myself kneeling and crying before God.
We say that we have FAITH. But to tell the truth, it is easier said than done. It's easy to express our gratefulness and worship to God when there's an answered prayers or things in favor to us. Admit it, this really boosts our faith. But what if something went wrong, we lost our wealth, family or a love one gone, lost our job or parents asked us to stop studying as they can no longer provide financially? What if everything has been taken away from us? Where will our faith will be? To God or to our own self?
Can we still believe God even if he's not doing anything? What if in the midst of chaos He's just sitting up there watching you being all by yourself, will you still have your faith?
I can't say I will still have mine, but I hope I will always remember holding on to God no matter what my circumstances are. And I believe I have to. For me, one of the privilege of having God in our hearts is that God wants us to feel secure, a privilege that whatever season we have in our lives now God is up there to turn into. His voice may not be audible as much as we would like it to be but we know that He is listening and we will always be comforted. We are limited, and so, we need an unlimited God. If it will just be our own strength we can but it won't last. We will drain. We will give up. But with God, our strength is non-consumable.
It's not really about how we struggle. It's about believing in God no matter what.
Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thes. 5:18 (NIV)