Saturday, April 12, 2014

Do You Still Believe in Promises?

Ever hold on to a promise then was just broken? 
Oh men, I feel for you!

It's just so easy to voice out a promise yet it is challenging to keep one, isn't it? 
Hard. And I believe that is one of the things every people have in common.

Why is it so hard to keep a promise?
Don't dare throwing the question back to me, I don't have any idea why.
Well, maybe because I don't think if I can even count with my fingers the promises had I
broken too.

Promises as they said and mostly based from others experiences, are always meant to be broken. 
And with my own point of view, it could be because we are just human.
I understand that this might be a lame excuse but we all have our limitations.
Raise your hand if you ever promised with a "swear to God" quote at the end of it. Count me in. We are saying this not because we really mean it but this is to convince the one who we are giving a promise with, that we are sincere
And while it is so easy for us to make a commitment it is also easy for us to believe and hold on to a certain promise. 

The world we are living is promising us with a lot of things it could offer. Fame, money, love
and even authority. These are just some of the factors that we think could give us security. I think this is just fine. Anyone who does not want all of this to have?

This world can warrant us with many things but what is our assurance?

It is just so sad that there are some people trying so hard. Sometimes they tend to do whatever it
takes just to get this things up to the point of hurting somebody's feelings. Selfishness.
We are craving for this to have without realizing that if it is a promise then it is already OURS.

Promise for me is claiming for something that is already yours and what you are just doing is wait
for that person to make it happen. We do things our way to get it because admit it or
not we do not trust the person who gave us the vow.

Just like Sarah who refused to believe God's promise, more than that she actually laughed at it.

Then the LORD said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh and say,  'Will I really have a child, now that I am old?' - Gen. 18:12

And if we are going to read back from that Chapter and stop to Chapter 16 we will see how Sarah make a way to have a child.

“The Lord has kept me from having children. Go, sleep with my slave; perhaps I can build a family through her.” - Genesis 16:2

The result, she is being despised by her slave. If only Sarah had learned to wait.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD."  - Isaiah 55:8

We tend to dominate the best plans of God over our lives because we are too excited.The word
"WAIT" is being deleted from our dictionary just because we really can't wait.

Doing what we think what's best for us and yet totally out of God's will is actually settling for
second best. And settling for second best definitely means not trusting the Promise-Keeper.

For this, I believe there are 2 prerequisites in claiming a Promise of God;

1. We have to know the Character of the One who's giving us the promise. 

"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." - Isaiah. 55:11

2 We have to realize what is our identity before Him. We are his Children.

"And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ.." - Romans 8:17

While the world can give us fame, money and authority; God gave us thousands of promises to hold on to.

We really don't need an assurance, all we have to realize that the One who promise us is the most Faithful One. The One who promised Abraham. The One who's the same yesterday, today and forever.

Who doesn't want disappointments? Who doesn't wants to believe in a false promises?
Then go to God. He will never fail. You will never fail.

"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave Him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" - Romans 8:32

Do you have any promises you claim from God? Post a comment below. I would love to know. :)